#15. The Case for Practicing Joy: Phoebe Farag Mikhail, 41
ChristyPhoebe Farag Mikhail, Putting joy into practice, book, blogger, blogs, blogging, Being in Community, womens voices, personal journal, podcast, podcast for women, midlife, 40s, 40-something, community, friendship, meaning of forties, finding community, building community, midlife you love, midlife advice, midlife voices, mindset, joyful, joy, how to be joyful
#14. 10 Years to Goal: Julie Zuckerman, 49
ChristyJulie Zuckerman, Modiin, Israel, The Book of Jeremiah, writing, goal, novel, first novel, 40s, looking back on your 40s, blogging, podcast, woman podcast, personal journal, women's voices, day in the life, birthday, writer, novelist, meaning of forties, midlife voices, midlife goal, love your midlife, midlife you love
#11. On Being 40ish: Lindsey Mead, 44
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